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What is FPM.manifest.ftd?
What is digest.json?
File System Organization

FPM New Design

FPM Package Digest: digest.json

digest.json is an in memory data structure which is generated first when any fpm command is invoked locally. Content of digest.json is also stored in packages table on remote.

For every FTD and markdown file in the package, it will contain the content of that file.

For every non FTD/md file it will contain the filename, which will be stored as a list in other-files key.

It will also contain history and tracking metadata.

    "index.ftd": "content of index.ftd",
    "other-files": [
    "history": {
        "index.ftd": [
            { "updated": <unix-timestamp-nanoseconds> },
            { "created": <unix-timestamp-nanoseconds> }
    "tracks": {
        "index.ftd": [
            "foo.ftd": {
                "last-merged-on": <timestamp of foo.ftd>

When we download a package, we will first extract it’s content and create .packages/<package-name>.digest.json.

When fpm::Config is initialised all digest.json files will be fully loaded.

What’s In DB?

other-files table
For every “other-file”, we will have a row containing the content of that file.

select * from other_files;
| amitu.com/foo.png     | <content of foo.png>  |
| fifthtry.com/logo.png | <content of logo.png> |

packages table
For every package, we will also have a row containing the package.digest.json for all packages.

select * from packages;
| amitu.com           | <content of package.digest.json for amitu.com>    |
| amitu.com/x         | <content of package.digest.json for amitu.com>    |
| amitu.com/x/y       | <content of package.digest.json for amitu.com>    |
| fifthtry.com        | <content of package.digest.json for fifthtry.com> |

history table
The history will be stored in history table:

select * from history;
| amitu.com/index.ftd | <unix-timestamp> | created | <content> |
| amitu.com/index.ftd | <unix-timestamp> | updated | <content> |

fpm-files table
Since FPM.ftd file is needed to serve every static file (because FPM.ftd contains authentication/access control information), we have read it very frequently, so we will keep this in a separate table only to be used when serving static file requests.

select * from fpm-files;

| amitu.com | <amitu/FPM.ftd content> |

How To Load .digest.json On Local?
Look for .fpm-workspace/digest.json.

How To Load .digest.json On Remote?
Say if db looks like this:

select * from packages;
| package              | content                                           |
| amitu.com/           | <content of package.digest.json for amitu.com>    |
| amitu.com/x/         | <content of package.digest.json for amitu.com>    |
| amitu.com/x/y/       | <content of package.digest.json for amitu.com>    |
| fifthtry.com/        | <content of package.digest.json for fifthtry.com> |

And a request to amitu.com/foo comes, we have to read the content of amitu.com row. But if amitu/x/y/z comes then we have to read of content of amitu.com/x/y. How do we do know which row to read?

Step 1: find the domain name only, amitu.com, and then look for all rows:

select package from packages where package ilike "amitu.com/%"

| amitu.com/     |
| amitu.com/x/   |
| amitu.com/x/y/ |

Step 2: Find the largest package from this list, where "amitu.com/foo".starts_with(package) is true. Here the answer would be amitu.com/, so this is the package that contains amitu.com/foo.

Now select content from packages where package=amitu.com.

How to serve the file?
A request has come to fpm http server, we want to serve it.

FTD files: URL with no extension, or URL ending with index.html

If URL ends with index.html, we will delete the ending index.html to get the real path.

If the real path is present in digets json for the package, eg if the digest was:

    "foo/index.ftd": "<content>",
    "FPM.ftd": "<content>"
    ... other stuff omitted ...

NOTE: if the URL contains - then the real path would be the part till the first -, eg if path was amitu.com/foo/-/bar/, the real path would be foo. Ask Arpita how to handle such URLs.

If the real path is foo, then we look for <real path.ftd> (foo.ftd) or <real path>/index.ftd (foo/index.ftd) has to be present.

We know it is a ftd file and we can serve it. When “process_ftd() is called, on every import (ftd::Interpreter::StuckOnImport) corresponding to a foreign package we have to read the row for that package from packagestable (or from disc,.packages/.digest.json` if running locally). Here we do not have to do step 1, because the list of dependencies for this package already known, so we have to do step 1 equivalent from content of FPM.ftd only, we do not have to do additional (db/fs) read.

If the file is missing in digest.json then we give 404.

Any other URL (non ftd url, mostly images)

We assume this is static file, so we only do the step 1, and not step 2 as we are not going to need the full digest. We will read FPM.ftd content from fpm-files for the package name we found from step 1. Using FPM.ftd we will check if auth/acl allows you to read the static file. If not we give 403.

If acl works, we then do a query on the other-files table, to get the content of that file and serve it.

How do we handle markdown files?
Markdown files (and their content) would also be present in digest.json file. When looking for foo we will look for foo.ftd, foo/index.ftd, foo.md and foo/README.md, in this order.

On local, how often do we regenerate digest.json?
When we lauch fpm serve, it first reads the content of current package directory, and generates an in-memory digest.json and starts a background thread which watches for file system changes, and keep updating the in-memory digest.json.

What about local changes in dependencies?
Since people may modify dependencies as part of development, we have to generate digest.json when any fpm command starts. The file system watcher of FPM serve will also watch the dependencies, and update their digest.json as well.

digest.json on remote
Is only updated when someone does fpm sync and any of the content on remote changes. Since the digest contains history, meta data for all static file, so if any file ever changes, digest.json will have to be updated.